
Zaffiri del Kashmir

Queste affascinanti pietre preziose, gli Zaffiri del Kashmir, presentano un’intensa gamma di colore blu che evoca lo splendore naturale, profondo e vellutato dell’oceano.
elemento che si toglie

Rubini della Birmania

I rubini della Birmania hanno un intenso e vivido colore rosso “sangue di piccione” con una fluorescenza naturale e splendente, per questo sono considerati i rubini più straordinari del mondo.

Diamanti Colorati

Incredibilmente preziosi, i Diamanti colorati sono rari da trovare. Essi rivelano i colori più affascinanti, quelli che incarnano la magia della Natura.

Diamanti Rosa

Simboli di passione e di forza, questi magnifici Diamanti Rosa sono tra le gemme più rare al mondo.

Diamanti Blu

Sorprendenti e indimenticabili, i Diamanti Blu mostrano sfumature ipnotiche con cui solo il mare può competere.

Diamanti Gialli

I Diamanti Gialli sono pietre speciali che irradiano calore ed energia solare.

Burma Rubies Sourcing with Faidee

At Faidee, we believe that every Ruby has a special history and an individuality of its own.

From the mining to the manufacturing, the entire Faidee process is vertically integrated, where each individual rough is rigorously cut with utmost perfection, allowing every gemstone to reach its own fullest potential.

Our master artisans expertly cut and polish Rubies to perfection to bring out their remarkable beauty and capture the stone’s unique personality.

“Turning rough stones into the finest Rubies is an art we have the utmost respect for.”

What follows is a graphic that show the growth index of the Burmese ruby compared with the growth index of the diamond and with the growth index of the Down Jones Industrial Average.


The increase in the index price of rubies has been outpacing that of the Dow Jones for the better part of the last decade.


In fact, they also have a greater rate of increase in their price index than all other gemstones aggregately. In recent years, it is the Burmese ruby, so rare and sought after, that has created such fervency in auction salesrooms, headlining Christie’s and Sotheby’s sales.


Beautiful color, exceptional brilliancy and exceeding rarity are the trademarks of Burmese rubies, making them the best investment value for the future.
